Special Moments
John C. Wright Mentor Award
Receiving the John C. Wright Mentor Award from Dean Anderson and Provost Vitter at the University of Kansas in April 2011 – with letters of support from many graduate students and a wonderful nomination letter from Jenny Guthrie!

Feminist Teacher-Mentor Award
Receiving the Feminist Teacher-Mentor Award from the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender (OSCLG) in October 2014! What an honor! Nominated by the great Jimmie Manning!

Francine Merritt Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Lives of Women in Communication
This is one of the most memorable experiences of my life – receiving the Francine Merritt Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Lives of Women in Communication at the National Communication Association in Las Vegas in 2015 – supported by many graduate students and nominated by the one and only, Jenny Guthrie!

Scholarly Presentation at UNLV
Visiting UNLV to give a scholarly presentation about my research, “Relationships, Support, and Advocacy.” What a privilege and a true honor!